Our Mission, Vision and Values

Our Mission

The Cariboo Family Enrichment Centre strengthens the quality of personal, family and community life through education, counselling, referral and support.

Our Vision Statement

Enriched Families Living With Vitality

Our Values


We value and have consideration for ourselves and others, believing in the inherent worth of each individual. We regard each other as having equal value, worth and dignity.


We have the capacity to participate in another’s feelings or ideas, and are willing to do so. We care for each other and for each other’s needs.


We value honest, sound, genuine relationships and act accordingly. We accept responsibility for our obligations and are answerable for how we meet them.


We are committed to a process where all ideas and input are heard and considered and where decisions are made by consensus whenever possible.


We will act in a professional manner with information that is shared.

Client Centered

The intent of all that we do is for the good of the client.

Quality Improvement

We continuously strive to improve the service we provide to each other, our clients and our community.