Touch of Christmas

A Great Way to Support Families in Need During the Holidays
This Christmas, you can help families in the South Cariboo by making cash donations, or donations of gift certificates from local businesses (including grocery and fuel vouchers), to the Cariboo Family Enrichment Centre’s (CFEC) Touch of Christmas campaign. Your generous donations are put towards creating “Christmas Baskets,” filled with grocery cards, local merchant gift cards and gifts that are provided to families needing a little extra help this holiday season. It’s easy to make a monetary donation in any denomination to the Touch of Christmas campaign by phone or in person at CFEC. Please make all cheques payable to the Cariboo Family Enrichment Centre and direct them to the Touch of Christmas campaign. CFEC is a registered charity, tax receipts are available upon request.
Donate in Person or Over the Phone
You can donate to Touch of Christmas by cash, debit, or credit card by visiting reception at our main office.
If you would like to donate remotely, you can make a credit card donation by phone at (250) 395-5155, or you can donate online.
Donating Online
You can donate to the Touch of Christmas campaign online, however you will need to email us to let us know you wish for your donation to be directed to the program. Our online donation service does not have a field to specify this. Once you have made your donation, send us an email at with your name and the amount of your online donation you would to extend to the Touch of Christmas campaign.
Apply for a Basket
If you would like to apply for your family to receive a Christmas Basket, you can visit CFEC at our main office and complete an application. Our staff can answer questions and provide assistance with signing up.
Our Location and Hours
CFEC is open Monday-Friday, 9:00 AM-4:00 PM. CFEC closes for Statutory Holidays.
We are located at Unit 1, 486 Birch Avenue, 100 Mile House, BC. We are two blocks east of the 100 Mile Marsh, across from the Cariboo Business Centre (commonly referred to as “The Green Building”). For contact information, please visit our Contact Us page: