Supporting the South Cariboo for Over 30 years
CFEC Offers Free Programs to Support Familes
Inclusive Space
CFECs services are available to all community members
Qualified Professionals
Our skilled employees are prepared to provide appropriate, effective services
Accredited Organization
CFEC is accredited by the Council on Accreditation (C.O.A.)
Recent News and Events
We at the Cariboo Family Enrichment Centre are happy to share we have a new Executive Director! Originally from the Lower Mainland
The Cariboo Family Enrichment Centre Society (CFEC) hereby gives notice that the Society’s Annual General Meeting will be held on Wednesday, June
CFEC wishes to advise its clients and visitors that our offices will be closing early today at 2:00 PM, August 22, 2022,
As the South Cariboo faces another bout of hot weather, today the Cariboo Family Enrichment Centre (CFEC) has set up a hydration
Our Services
We offer relationship and family counselling, individual counselling, and other programs promoting better mental health.
Family Services
CFEC's Family Support Workers are ready to assist families to strengthen and bond, whether through a variety of programs or by providing knowledge, advocacy, and resource access.
Youth Services
CFEC operates the Raven Youth Activity Centre for children, grouped in grades 6-8 and grades 8-12. We also provide a Youth Outreach Program.
CFEC Early Years
Early Years Resources

CFEC provides early years resources and supplies, helping parents and caregivers to find access to supports, services and supplies to help with nurturing children from ages 0-5!
Here you can access services like child development information, support, and assessment. You can make connections to health services, intervention supports, and community supports. You can also meet other families through fun events using our monthly activity calendar and bulletin. CFEC hosts several fun early years events throughout the year!
Additionally, Cariboo Kids has a space called the Family Play Room where Parents/Caregivers and their children ages 0-6 can learn and play. Open to the public Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM-3:00 PM, the Early Learning Room offers use of learning stations, arts and crafts, and toys to make fun, creative bonding experiences.
For a full listing of services offered by CFEC, and for information on upcoming events, please visit the CFEC Early Years facebook page!
FASD/CDBC Key Worker
The Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)/Complex Developmental Behavioural Conditions (CDBC) Key Worker Program is designed to support families and caregivers who are raising children/youth between the ages 0-19 with either suspected or confirmed fetal alcohol syndrome disorder, or other complex behavioural conditions.
The Key Worker assists families in understanding FASD by providing education and information specific to the needs of the child and family, and in turn develop and act on effective parenting strategies. The Key Worker will also recognize and treat each family as unique and work with them to enhance their strengths and become the best advocates the can be their child.
Need more information about the programs and services we offer?
The Cariboo Family Enrichment Centre offers a broad scope of services that support families and individuals. Our services are confidential, free of charge to community members, and provided by qualified professionals. For more information, contact us today!
Acknowledgement of Territory
It is appropriate to acknowledge and pay respect to the ancestral and traditional territories and local First Nations. Acknowledging the territory in which we are located honours the relationship between the land and the traditional stewards. Just as we honour our own ancestors and invite them into our lives; we honour the ancestors who walked this land long before we were able to gather here today.
The Cariboo Family Enrichment Centre is located on the traditional lands of the Tsq’escenemc (Canim Lake First Nation) within Secwepemcúl̓ecw.